computer Archives - Tech Today Info Technology Write For Us Fri, 13 Aug 2021 02:08:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 computer Archives - Tech Today Info 32 32 The Best Way To Stop Your Computer From Slowing Down Mon, 10 May 2021 08:00:00 +0000 Every time we use a new computer, we feel that it flies: all applications open quickly, the Internet seems to

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Every time we use a new computer, we feel that it flies: all applications open quickly, the Internet seems to have increased speed and we can work better than ever. But as the months go by, we begin to notice that the machine is getting slower and slower. Could it be that it became obsolete in such a short time? It is very likely that this is not the case, but the computer needs some maintenance to return to its initial state.

You can always use some tools to do preventive maintenance on your computer, especially if you use Windows. But it is also a good idea to create some fairly simple habits so that the computer speed is optimized all the time.

Adjust the graphical user interface

Windows has many visual effects that make it very attractive to the eye. But, in a less modern computer, these effects only use more memory than is really unnecessary. To avoid this, you have to make some changes to the configuration.

In Windows 10 open Windows Explorer. Once there, right-click on This Equipment and in the context menu enter the Properties. A new window will open and to the left of it, there will be a link that will say Advanced System Settings. Enter there and another window will open. In the same tab click on Settings under the Performance section. Another window will open and you will have to choose to Adjust to get the best performance.

Improve computer startup

Some of the programs that are installed on the computer change the default Windows startup settings without our permission. What they do is start just when the PC is turned on, and the more applications you have to open, the slower the startup will be.

To manually configure what we want to start with Windows, just press on the CONTROL + ALT + DELETE keypad and open Task Manager. Another way to open it is from the context menu that appears when you right-click on the Windows start button. Once this window is open, visit the Start tab and define there what programs you want to start with Windows. It also disables those that you think are not necessary.

Delete temporary files – Computer

The easiest way to delete these files is by using the default Windows tool, called Disk Cleanup. This application will search for all files that are taking up too much unnecessary space in the operating system and will delete them, including temporary files.

It is important to do this at least once a month to avoid slowness due to the accumulation of temporary files saved by the constant use of the Internet, but also to reduce the risk of any malware that is hidden there.

Use Windows Defender

It is a good idea to use Windows Defender as an antivirus, which is included in Windows by default. This antivirus is very efficient because it keeps updated with all the threats that are on the web. In addition, it is quite light, using little memory to do its job, it is free and not invasive at all.

The post The Best Way To Stop Your Computer From Slowing Down appeared first on Tech Today Info.

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SEEK THE HELP OF A TECHNICIAN WHEN EXPERIENCING ANY OF THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS WITH YOUR COMPUTER Fri, 24 Apr 2020 04:28:48 +0000 In today’s world, virtually everything is being done with the aid of machines and there is no human activity where


In today’s world, virtually everything is being done with the aid of machines and there is no human activity where machines are not being used. It is indisputable that gadgets have made lives much simpler and easier. Not just that but life has become much more comfortable and luxurious making use of them. From laptops to smartphones or even cloud software and programs, work-life and artificial intelligence have greatly changed not just work-life but everything in the world as a whole.

These gadgets being made by men at some point do develop issues and though they have made life a lot easier, they can develop a fault at some point which needs to be fixed for them to return to normalcy. Luckily, services like tech solution service have people who have been trained in that domain that can identify. Well, here are some things you need to watch out and take your smart device to a repair once you get the symptoms.

When to take a computer to a repairer

Once a computer is acting this way, take it to the repairing workshop.

When there is a slow boot-up

This may happen when one unconsciously downloads some irrelevant software. There are times when one ends up downloading extra software from the internet in the course of downloading a single program. Some of the programs are usually created to open whenever a computer boots up and it could make the machine unnecessarily slow.

Apart from that, other factors may be responsible for the slowdown such as; registry errors, malware, adware, or even a kind of computer virus. If any of these factors are disturbing the computer, there is no need to panic as professional technicians can quickly fix the problem.

Constant programs crashing

If a program in a computer crashes from time to time, there is no cause of panic but it becomes a cause for alarm if it becomes too frequent. If that is the case, then there is a need to consider seeing a technician diagnose the problem and have it fixed right away.

Programs keep freezing

Are the computer programs acting up or do operations start freezing up for no particular reason? If this happens, it definitely should be a fault coming from the internet. A well-trained computer expert will be able to see the cause of the freeze-ups and decide what should be done to prevent it from acting up.

Slow running computer

Another factor to watch out for is when the computer programs start acting slower than it normally does. This is always an indication of a computer virus or perhaps it could be something even more serious. When this type of thing starts to happen, it must be taken to a technician for a proper diagnosis right away. The sooner this is taken care of, the better so the computer can start working normally again.

People can as well seek the help of tech solution servicewhen they cannot recover their backup files. Computer experts can always quickly set up back up devices and help in recovering them when they files get loss.

When one’s computer becomes overly hot

When one’s computer starts getting too hot, it can generate some sort of inconvenience and it could be a warning sign or just the way the computer sort of works. This is because it is normal for computers to become hot when they are on but when this is exceptional; perhaps it needs to be checked by an expert immediately.

This can be a result of so many things including dirt or the cooling system could be broken or extremely blocked. These issues though not too “serious” can have a major effect on a computer’s existence or just damage it completely.

So here is what to do, if the computer becomes uncomfortable to touch, the noise of the fan is strangely loud or shuts own completely without anyone turning it off, it could be a sign that the computer is overheated and notifying a technician is a next thing to do. Seeking the help of an expert is the only way to determine the major cause of the overheating and for it to be sorted out perfectly.

The computer acting unusual

When a computer is examined and maintained from time to time, it tends to have no issues or very little issues. Computer faults are normal and when it starts acting strangely, it is often a call for concern. If after shutting it down and waiting for about 5 seconds before turning it on and it still does not return to its normal state, then have an expert check it out.


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